Photo by Markus Spiske in Unsplash

Photo by Markus Spiske in Unsplash

In my company we have a considerably big Scala codebase. We use Scala for data pipelines, function apps, web services… Everything is based on a common set of libraries that standardizes access to resources, enforces some conventions, and of course provides several utilities. One of this is a tiny little method which implements automatic context/resource management for AutoCloseable objects.

def withCloseable[C <: AutoCloseable, R](closeable: => C)(f: C => R): R = {
  // simplified implementation
  val result = f(closeable)

In this post I will explain how I —as a learning exercise— (over)refactored the previous method to make it work with one of Scala’s most powerful idioms. A word of warning, this post may be challenging for Scala newbies, but I will include links to the underlying concepts along the text.

Back to the method, it is quite similar to Python’s with statement: it creates a safe zone in which you can be sure that the resource you’re trying to use is going be closed or released whenever the code block finishes.

withCloseable(openInputStream()) { myInputStream =>

// Here `myInputStream` is *closed*

By using this method we can forget about closing the resource. It is quite ubiquitous in our codebase, and it’s really handy and simple when it’s used alone. But, when it comes to composing AutoCloseable resources things get a bit dirtier.

withCloseable(OauthClient(conf)) { oauthClient =>
  withCloseable(ServiceClient(conf, oauthClient)) { serviceClient =>
    withCloseable(LoggingClient(conf)) { loggingClient =>
      // Here we have safe access to all three clients.

This works great too, but it is not quite good-looking, IMHO. It starts resembling old JavaScript… I was thinking on how I could make it look better when I realized Scala has a really nice construction that seemed quite a nice fit for this: for-comprehensions.

for {
  oauthClient   <- withCloseable(OauthClient(conf))
  serviceClient <- withCloseable(ServiceClient(conf, oauthClient))
  loggingClient <- withCloseable(LoggingClient(conf))
} yield {
  // Safe access to all three clients

This looks more reasonable to my eyes. No more unnecessary indentations and it has a more clear and pleasant look. The problem is we need to do some tweaks before make this work. Also, let’s try to make the new API compatible with the previous one.

How to for-comprehend

Scala’s for-comprehensions are a powerful syntax sugar to compose Monads. I’m not going to waste keystrokes explaining what Monads are in detail, but for the purposes of this post, you just basically need to take into account that arrows <- in a for-comprehension are nothing else than calls to the flatMap method of a given object, and that the flatMap method is the cornerstone of Monads.

In regular syntax the previous snipped would look like this:

// Warning: this code does not compile yet!

withCloseable(OauthClient(conf)).flatMap { oauthClient =>
  withCloseable(ServiceClient(conf, oauthClient)).flatMap { serviceClient =>
    withCloseable(LoggingClient(conf)).map { loggingClient =>
      // Safe access to all three clients

As you can see, by using the regular style we end up with code similar to the original. We can see calling withCloseable() should return some kind of underlying type which implements the flatMap method. The map method is also needed, but it can be implemented in terms of flatMap. Let’s see how we can achieve this.

Introducing OpenedResource

Let’s analyze withCloseable’s original signature:

def withCloseable[C <: AutoCloseable, R](closeable: => C)(f: C => R): R

It takes two argument lists. The first one receives the AutoCloseable instance lazily. The second one is the actual safe zone where we have access to our AutoCloseable object, which can also be written as a code block (see previous code snippets). We’ve seen though that the flatMap method should be available right after the first argument list. So calling withCloseable with only the first argument list should return our underlying data structure: OpenedResource.

def withCloseable[C <: AutoCloseable](closeable: => C): OpenedResource[C] =
  new OpenedResource(closeable)

class OpenedResource[C <: AutoCloseable](closeable: => C) 

What about withCloseable’s second argument list? If we want to replicate it in OpenedResource we need its instances to be callable, i.e. we need the apply method.

class OpenedResource[C <: AutoCloseable](closeable: => C) {

  def apply[R](f: C => R): R = {
    // simplified implementation
    val result = f(closeable)


Here we essentially moved the second argument list of the original withCloseable method into its own wrapper type. In other words, OpenedResource is the representation of the safe zone for a closeable instance.

Composing OpenedResource

As said, for-comprehensions are allowed in Scala for types that implement flatMap and map methods. They are both higher-order functions (HOF) that allow composition and transformations of the underlying values of the monad/wrapper object. And both they always have the very same signatures on every type they are implemented on.

class OpenedResource[C](closeable: => C) {

  def apply[R](f: C => R): R = // omitted code

  def flatMap[B <: AutoCloseable](f: C => OpenedResource[B]): OpenedResource[B] = ???

  def map[B <: AutoCloseable](f: C => B): OpenedResource[B] = ???


In the context of OpenedResource, flatMap should provide safe access to the underlying AutoCloseable resource. Wait a second, this is precisely what the apply method does! We can use it to implement flatMap!

def flatMap[B <: AutoCloseable](f: C => OpenedResource[B]): OpenedResource[B] = 

The only nuance here is that the apply call would is forced to return an OpenedResource instance, which is the return type of f, but that is exactly what we want. And now that we have flatMap we can use it to implement map by just making the compiler happy.

def map[B <: AutoCloseable](f: C => B): OpenedResource[B] =
  flatMap(c => new OpenedResource(f(c)))

Testing time!

Let’s write a unit test to verify it works.

"withCloseable allow for-comprehensions" in {
  val closeRecords = mutable.MutableList[Int]()

  class MyResource(val n: Int) extends AutoCloseable {
    override def close(): Unit = closeRecords += n

  val result: OpenedResource[MyResource] = for {
    i1 <- withCloseable(new MyResource(1))
    i2 <- withCloseable(new MyResource(2))
  } yield {
    // safe zone with access to both closeable resources
    new MyResource(i1.n + i2.n)

  closeRecords.toList should contain theSameElementsAs List(2, 1)

This test is very simple: we define an AutoCloseable child class which appends a value in a list whenever its close method is called. The expected result is that the latest call to withCloseable will release the resource first, and thus that is why the expected list is in the reversed order of calls to withCloseable.

This test works! But notice there is a quite important nuance: the result type is OpenedResource[MyResource]! This is inconvenient:

  • Our flatMap method ensures AutoCloseable composition by enforcing its return type to be an extension of AutoCloseable. In other words, in the yield block we cannot return any other type than AutoCloseable instances.
  • We need a way to access or unwrap OpenedResource’s underlying value.

Let’s focus on the first point. This code

val result: OpenedResource[Int] = for {
  i1 <- withCloseable(new MyResource(1))
  i2 <- withCloseable(new MyResource(2))
} yield {
  i1.n + i2.n

won’t compile since Int —the value of the type we are returning in the yield section— does not extend AutoCloseable.

One option could be wrapping our types in a fake AutoCloseable class with a fake close method, but that would make the whole thing extremely inconvenient.

Could we perhaps just remove type bounds in OpenedResource’s definition? That would make the test compile but the internals of OpenedResource won’t, since the compiler is not aware that the value it’s wrapping has a close method.

What if we had some way to tell the compiler to derive a type that provides the resource-releasing API —the close method— for AutoCloseable types and yet allow regular types to fit in so they can be the result of a for-comprehension?

Enter type classes

Well, it turns out we have a way. Type classes can isolate the resource-releasing logic from the types we pass to OpenedResource and thus make it generic for any type.

trait Closer[C] {
  def close(closeable: C): Unit

First thing to define on a type class is the type class interface. Our use case is quite simple. We need an interface to close resources.

Let’s refactor our OpenedResource class.

class OpenedResource[C](closeable: => C)(implicit closer: Closer[C]) {

  def apply[R](f: C => R): R = {
    val result = f(closeable)

  def flatMap[B: Closer](f: C => OpenedResource[B]): OpenedResource[B] = apply(f)

  def map[B: Closer](f: C => B): OpenedResource[B] = flatMap(c => new OpenedResource(f(c)))


Instead of enforcing C to be AutoCloseable, we take that logic out to a Closer[C] instance, and then we use that instance to free the resource. We also use context bounds in flatMap and map so that we make sure that the return type also has a Closer instance available.

But, where are those Closer (type class) instances? Well, we can provide them automagically using implicits or given/using in Scala 3.

object Closer {
  implicit def autoCloseableCloser[C <: AutoCloseable]: Closer[C] = new Closer[C] {
    override def close(closeable: C): Unit = closeable.close()

  implicit def nonAutoCloseable[T]: Closer[T] = new Closer[T] {
    override def close(closeable: T): Unit = ()

Here we declare two Closer instances. One for AutoCloseable types and another generic one for the rest of types. If we create an OpenedResource instance with an AutoCloseable argument, the compiler will inject autoCloseableCloser, whereas it will inject nonAutoCloseable for any other type. This last one implements a fake close method by just returning Unit; but it works for any type and we do not need to write it anywhere else!

If we get back to our test, now we can do the following:

"withCloseable allow for-comprehensions" in {
  val closeRecords = mutable.MutableList[Int]()

  class MyAutoCloseable(val n: Int) extends AutoCloseable {
    override def close(): Unit = closeRecords += n

  val result: OpenedResource[Int] = for {
    i1 <- withCloseable(new MyAutoCloseable(1))
    i2 <- withCloseable(new MyAutoCloseable(2))
  } yield i1.n + i2.n

  closeRecords.toList should contain theSameElementsAs List(2, 1)

And this code compiles! Whenever withCloseable creates OpenedResource instances the compiler will inject autoCloseableCloser because the argument we are passing to withCloseable is an AutoCloseable instance!

Also, notice we are now allowed to get an OpenedResource[Int] instance as the result of the for-comprehension.

Unwrapping the result

Well, there was a second nuance we did not addressed. How do we unwrap that Int in the test result? That’s fairly trivial:

class OpenedResource[C](closeable: => C)(implicit closer: Closer[C]) {

  // code omitted

  def get: C = apply(identity)


Here we added the get method to obtain the wrapped value in OpenedResource and also make sure we release the resource in the case it’s actually a releasable object. We just use the identity function on apply —remember, apply runs the function it receives and after that it closes the resource.

(Proper) alternatives to resource management

This post was the story of how I over-engineered a solution for a first-world problem™ just for fun and for the sake of learning and understanding how to leverage Scala’s idioms. The original API is more than fine: it just works and it’s way simpler, and thus easier to maintain. That would be enough to discard my approach. Suffice to say, this did not make it into production :) Still, I enjoyed myself writing it, and it was a very nice learning exercise.

There are proper and nicer existing alternatives to resource management, like Scala 2.13’s Using, or Cats Effect’s Resource.

We engineers like to reinvent the wheel where most probably others made nicer wheels, but it is still a worthy exercise for ourselves, because we can learn a lot in the process.